Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Love Classic Universal Monsters

I love all those great horror classics from Universal Studios. I'm posting some of my favorites here. Which ones do you really like?

The Phantom of the Opera (1925):



Dracula (1931):



Frankenstein (1931):



The Mummy (1932):



The Invisible Man (1933):



Bride of Frankenstein (1935):



The Wolf Man (1941):



Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954):



I decided to include an extra treat. Not sure how many of you have ever heard of the goth band Bauhaus. Here is a video clip for their song Bela Lugosi's Dead.

P.S. I wanted to thank all of those you have been visiting and commenting on my sister Stephanie's blog Chic Femme. I really appreciate it. She's having a lot of fun blogging. I know she's been thrilled with all the positive feedback you guys have given her. I hope you will continue to visit and comment on her blog. For those who haven't checked it out yet or haven't been in awhile, I hope you will definitely drop by her blog. I would greatly appreciate it. I know she would too. Thank you all very much.


Carrie Clevenger said...

I love Bauhaus so much it hurts. Great Halloween blog post.

Keith said...

Thanks. Glad you liked this post. Bauhaus is amazing. One of my favorite bands of all time.

Rachel Follett said...

These are great! I have seen a few of these but I think I need to netflix some of the others. Thanks!

JamiSings said...

Phantom and Dracula are my top favorites. The way Lon Chaney moves. (Is it true that his parents were both deaf and that's why he was such an excellent silent movie actor?) The intense stare of Lugosi. The best of the best.

Anonymous said...

Some swedish words to you and your blog;

Keith, detta var en väldigt väldigt läbbig post. Jag är inget fans av skräckfilmer, tycker att verkligheten innehåller en del av detta i sig självt... Men Din blogg håller måttet må jag säga, och berätta när vi skall börja med kapitel ett i svenska!!

Very very early morning i Sweden


Aimz said...

oh my - strange movies but the best ones from back then, have you ever seem one of the dracula movies starring peter cushing - truly a classic

Niki said...

just in time for halloween. cool post! i gotta say dracula has my heart, i've always loved vampires. haha

Steve Langton said...

Great selection of posters.
Nice choice of video, too. I was lucky enough to catch Bauhaus live at many gigs and rate them highly. Remember one in particular where they broke the house record for the number of people admitted to the gig and greatly exceeded the safety limit. Great gig, though, with Pete Murphy opening the gig by singing 'Spy In The Cab' from the bands dressing room, captured on close circuit TV while the band played onstage. Recall thet usually left 'Bela' to the end of their set and it always went down well.

Anonymous said...

Can't choose one, if its vintage, I love it. The leading ladies back then were always emaculate, even when being throttled!

Maria Jensen said...

Oh, The Invisible Man! I saw it yesterday actually ;)

Witchcrafted Life said...

You are certainly not alone, I adore classic movie monsters such as this ghoulish group here to no end, too! Thank you for sharing these wonderful - and very festive - images with us!

Have an awesome day!
♥ Jessica

Keith said...

Hey Rachel. Thanks. Glad you've seen some. These are definitely classics that should all be seen.

Keith said...

Hey Jami. Thanks for commenting. Never heard that about Chaney, but that would be quite interesting. He's great. Also love Lugosi.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Seriously - this was like a stroll thru my childhood. My relatives didn't look like these folks but they sure were in our living room a lot! Great..great post Keith.


Keith said...

Hey Agneta. Thank you very much. I hope you have a great day. Take care. Cheers!

Hey Amy. Thanks for commenting. Oh yeah, I've seen those. My post on Monday dealt with my love for Cushing, etc.

Keith said...

Hey Niki. Thanks. I love vampires too. Always been fascinated by them.

Hey Steve. Thanks for commenting. That's so cool about seeing Bauhaus. Wow. I've never even seen them once. I would love to though. I can be that their Bela song definitely pleases their fans.

Keith said...

Hey Gingey. Thanks. These are all great. I did love the leading ladies in these movies too.

Hey Maria. That's so cool about the Invisible Man.

Hey Jessica. Thanks. Glad I'm not the only one. I've seen these movies so many times since I was a kid. All classics in my book.

Keith said...

Hey Dumbwit. Thanks. Oh yeah. These characters in my house a lot when I was growing up. They were almost like part of the family.

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

I love all of these movies. I've seen them myself quite a lot over the years. That was neat that you included that Bauhaus video. They are an amazing band. I went through a goth phase when I was younger. I still like them though.

Wolf Boy said...

These movies really creeped me out when I was a kid. Dude, you like Bauhaus? That rocks!

Keith said...

Hey Phoebe. Thanks. These movies are such classics. They really helped me develop my lifelong love of horror. I went through a goth phase myself. I do still listen to some of it even now.

Keith said...

Hey Wolf. Wasn't the Wolf Man about your dad? lol I'm full of surprises. I love all kinds of music.

Mondo said...

Dracula and The Bride of Frankenstein are my faves, have you seen Werner Herzog's late seventies movie Nosferatu - tip top film. Love Bauhaus, they've got a stack of Halloween anthems in the catalogue..

Keith said...

Hey Dave. Thanks for commenting. I love those films. Oh yeah. I've seen the 70's version of Nosferatu. I loved it. I've actually got a post tomorrow on the original Nosferatu film. Bauhaus has had some spooky cool tunes over the years.

Anika said...

I'm with you. One hundred percent. Love, love, love all these timeless classics.

Thanks for the there a better time for them!

Have a great one

Maria Confer said...

The makeup is truly amazing for back then!!

It's a toss up between the wolf man and the mummy!!

Off to check out your sister's blog!

Keith said...

Hey Anika. Thanks for commenting. Glad to see you love these horror classics too. They are so amazing. Cheers!

erika sorocco said...

It's funny, with all of these monsters, I've always been partial to The Munsters and The Addams Family - I suppose I liked the humor that laced the fright of their characters! :)

Keith said...

Hey Maria. Oh yeah. I think the makeup was pretty good for that time. I'd just as soon watch these movies as most of what goes for horror these days. Thanks for paying a visit to my sister's blog. I appreciate it.

Robert M. Lindsey said...

Bauhaus is great. Wolfman and Frankenstien are my favs.

Keith said...

Hey Erika. Nothing wrong with that. I loved both of those shows myself.

Keith said...

Hey Robert. Thanks. Glad to see you're a fan.

miriam (Björn Borg) said...

i'm not really into horros, but i love the Phantom of the Opera!

Keith said...

Thanks Insider. I do love that movie.

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous post, Keith! Love the classic Draculas!


Keith said...

Thanks Carrie. That's cool that you do. I know I definitely do too.

Tights Lover said...

Great post. Gotta go with Dracula. When I think classic horror movies that's what I think of first.

Great inclusion of the Bahaus song! Have a great day.

Keith said...

Hey Tights. Thanks. Glad to see you picked Dracula. That's who I would pick. I'm happy you liked the addition of the Bauhaus song. I thought it fit nicely since this post had Bela Lugosi in it.

Allison said...

I love Dracula...I think he's such a fabulous character, and perfect for a Halloween night =)
I'm a big fan of any Hitchcock movie - definitely puts me in the mood for Halloween (though there aren't any real monsters).
Great post, Keith!

Kira Aderne said...

For me, those movies are almost comedy! so fun to watch!

My best kisses Keith!

Mrs. M. said...

gosh so many great ones to choose from! I think id have to go with the bride of frankenstein. i love iconic badass women! it sucks because this is my favorite time of year and i love watching all the horror films that come on but i cant watch them while my husband is deployed because i get too scared at night. i'm almost 30 yet there i am, checking under my bed like theres honestly going to be a monster.

Scott (gotankgo) said...

old school classics all around
love that Phantom of the Opera from 1925

Cheryl Lynn said...

I love the classic creatures. I remember growing up and watching the 4 o'clock movie during this time of year and seeing the Wolf Man Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Mummy. But I must say, my favorite of all time is the Gill Man, Creature from the Black Lagoon! He was hilarious and still is!

This was a great post. Your place is really cool!

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE all of these classic monsters! So awesome! I am loving these Halloween posts, Keith!

chic femme said...

Oh, I love Boris Karloff!!! He was so unique as a person could get. But what a great actor!!! Love the man. I can't get over him in Frankenstein how great was he. I sing his praises. LALA :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think I'll have to rent on or two of those for Halloween.

Secretista said...

Sadly, I'm not a fan of monster flicks.

Keith said...

Hey Allison. Thanks. Dracula movies are good all year round, but I do really love them at Halloween. I hope you are doing well.

Hey Kira. Thanks. So glad you enjoyed these movies.

Keith said...

Hey Mrs. M. I do love the Bride. That was an awesome movie. I love all these movies. They would be awesome to watch this time of year. I am so sorry that you can't watch them without your husband. I do hope that all is well with him. I really admire men like him who serve their country.

Keith said...

Hey Scott. Thanks for commenting. These movies are so awesome. I do love Phantom. I love silent horror.

Hey Cheryl Lynn. Thanks for your comment. I'm so glad to see you're a fan of these movies. I loved watching these movies late night when I was a kid.

Keith said...

Hey Clare. Thanks so much. I'm glad that you are enjoying these Halloween posts.

Hey Steph. That's cool that you are such a fan of Boris. I know you love the man. He was always so awesome. He made many great movies. What an icon.

Hey Kristin. I hope you get a chance to watch some of these.

Hey Secretista. Sorry you don't like these kind of movies.

Kinezoe said...

Great post, my friend. I love all the pictures you chose. Have a nice week.


Anonymous said...

This post has to be one of my favourites that you have put up! Love it,, love it, love it! And I love that video and song from the Bauhaus. Wonderful post! Great photos, too!

Keith said...

Hey Kinezoe. Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed this post.

Hey Daniela. Thanks so much. I really appreciate that. I'm very happy that you enjoyed this post so much. I had fun putting it together.

Anonymous said...

I love all of these movies!!

And Peter Murphy is my dad's all time favorite singer, so I grew up listening to Bauhaus all the time-- I've seen them in concert more times than I can count! lol!

Keith said...

Hey Kate. Thanks for commenting. That's so cool about Peter Murphy and Bauhaus. Happy Halloween!

Sam said...

Such a cool post Keith! Love all these images!! Thanks! P.S. Will go check out your sister's blog!!

Keith said...

Hey Sam. Thanks for commenting. I'm so glad you enjoyed all these images. They were some awesome movies.