Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dean Martin With Sharon Tate & Mia Farrow

I really love this picture of Dean Martin with Sharon Tate and Mia Farrow. They all look so happy and smiling. Does anybody know when and where this was?



Alpha Stone said...

Summer 1968, Filming "The Wrecking Crew".

Keith said...

Hey Gillian. Thanks. I was figuring it had to be some time around there. I wasn't sure how soon before that Dino had met Sharon.

Scott (gotankgo) said...

Too cool, awesome pic

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Keith, never saw that Dinopix 'bout postin' in your Dinolounge Dinofolder at our humble little ilovedinomartin Dinopad...likes thanks so Dinomuch....

Keith said...

Hello Gotankgo. Thanks for the comments.

Keith said...

Hey pallie DMP. Glad I could introduce you to a new pic of Dino. I'll be sure to add it into that folder at the Dinopad. Cheers!

Steve Langton said...

Nice photo. Not seen the 3 of them together in any pics before so thanks for adding it to your blog.

CarolMR said...

Why was Mia there? To visit Sharon?

Keith said...

Hey Steve. Your welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. This is the only pic I know of these three together.

Hey Carol. I'm not sure. I assume that's why Mia was there. This would have been around the time of her divorce from Sinatra.

nitramnaed said...

When Frank married Mia........Dean told him he had Scotch older than Her.

Keith said...

Thanks for that comment. LOL I'm sure he did. She was a lot younger than Frank. Of course, we see that marriage didn't last long.

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

Wonderful picture. I don't believe I've ever seen it. I've never been much of a Mia fan. I do love Dean and Sharon.

Keith said...

I agree with ya. I've never been that much into Mia. I never thought about the fact that Mia was doing Rosemary's Baby with Sharon's hubby. I guess that's another reason she could have been here, besides just having been married to Frank.

jfjr1014 said...

Actually, Sharon and Mia became VERY close friends and remained so until Sharon's death. They became close during the filming of "Rosemary's Baby". Sinatra cruelly served Mia with divorce papers while she was on the set, which devastated her. Roman and Sharon took Mia under their wing, and they traveled together to Paris, London, New York, and Acapulco, among others. In her autobiography, Mia says, "(Sharon) was as pure and sweet a human being as I have ever known..."
My guess is that that picture was taken after Mia's return from India, some time during the summer of '68.

Keith said...

Hey there. Thanks for your comments. It was nice hearing from you. I appreciate your comments about the friendship between Mia and Sharon. I guess it makes sense that they would have become good friends while Mia was filming "Rosemary's Baby" with Sharon's hubby Roman. Sinatra could be quite the jerk. I thought the way he handled his breakup with Mia was downright mean spirited. That's really neat what Mia said about Sharon in her autobiography. I could definitely see that Sharon would have been that way. I'm glad that Mia had Sharon and Roman to look after her. Thanks again.

CarolMR said...

In Frank's defense, he and Mia remained friendly over the years and she visited him at his home before he died and attended his funeral. She looked devastated.

Keith said...

Hey Carol. No worries. I like Frank. He's like all of us. He could be a nice guy or a jerk. I'm glad he and Mia stayed friends.

Nostalgia Kinky said...

This is great...I have seen another pic of them together but this is a slightly different pose.

Keith said...

Hey Jeremy. I'm glad you liked it.

sushay said...

I think Mia looks better as a brunette. Nice shot.

Keith said...

Hey Sue. Glad you like it. I agree with you about Mia.

James Jean said...

Of course, Prudence Farrow is nowhere to be found (Beatles reference) haha

Keith said...

Good response. :-)