Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Silencers In Japan

Check out this cool poster of The Silencers from Japan.



Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

I guess this shows that Dean Martin is all around the world.

Keith said...

Dino is definitely an international superstar.

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Keith, woulda loves to talks to some pallies from Japan 'bout their Dinoaffection....

Keith said...

Hey pallie DMP. I know what you mean. I would too.

Couture Carrie said...

Very cool! Love the clothes, especially that black catsuit on the lower left!


Keith said...

Thanks Carrie. I really dig the clothes myself. Cheers!

Alpha Stone said...

What's funny is that the 3 chicks (top middle and bottom left and right) I don't think are actually in the movie.

Oh well, who's complaining? It looks great!


Quite cool indeed!

La C.

Keith said...

Hey Gil. Thanks for the comments. I think you're right about that. When I first saw the poster, I had to be sure it was for the movie before I posted it. lol

Keith said...

Thanks La C. I'm glad you like it.

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

I wasn't sure if you had ever seen this video or not.


Keith said...

Thanks Phoebe. Nope, I had seen it. That was really cool. Cheers!

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

I liked it too. Good night.

Keith said...

Good night to you. Sweet dreams.