Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dean Martin For Governor & Much More!

My pallie Dino Martin Peters had posted this video clip over at his wonderful Dino blog. I really like this clip, plus it's appropriate since we are in an election season, so I thought I would post it here on my blog as well.

Man, I would love to be electing Dino as governor of my state of North Carolina. I say after he's elected governor then let's send him on to the White House. That's the kind of real change we need in Washington. Those politicians there wouldn't know what to make of Dino. Dean Martin in 2008! Go Dino Go!


dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Keith, thanks for the Dinomention and yes, the deep Dinodesire of every true Dinoholic's Dinoheart is for our Dino to rule the world...first gov, then prez and then leader of the universe....

Keith said...

Hey pallie DMP. Your welcome. Definitely so. I know that's definitely my desire. It would lead to the emergence of the Dinoworld. What a cool, hip, and randy world that would be. Dino would always have my vote.