Sunday, August 31, 2008
Dean Martin For Governor & Much More!
Man, I would love to be electing Dino as governor of my state of North Carolina. I say after he's elected governor then let's send him on to the White House. That's the kind of real change we need in Washington. Those politicians there wouldn't know what to make of Dino. Dean Martin in 2008! Go Dino Go!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
What Did Dean Martin Do To This Hot Chick?

So what did Dino do to tick this chick off enough that she would like to kill him?
I don't know about you fellas, but I'd like to be the one to question her and find out. ;-)
Seriously though, this is from a scene in the Matt Helm spy flick The Silencers for those that don't know. That whole franchise featured so many beautiful women in both small and large roles. This particular babe, an agent of Big O, was using her sexy charm to seduce Matt Helm so she could terminate him. Luckily somebody arrives to help Dino's cool and swingin' spy out.
I hope you like this picture. Cheers!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dean Martin Makes A Station Wagon Cool

Check out out this wonderful article about the car over at the Volo Auto Museum.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A Sexy Joey Heatherton Performs On Dean Martin's Show

Favorite Album Covers: Dean Martin - Pretty Baby

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dean Martin's Golf Balls Commercial
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sammy Davis Jr. Sings Shaft

Dean Martin Ogles Tura Satana & Bettie Page

Monday, August 25, 2008
It's Golf Time With Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Jesse Jackson Took Sammy Davis Jr. For A Financial Ride

I try not to get political here. I will only post things that feature political figures if it has something to do with the Rat Pack. That's why I'm posting this. I just couldn't stay away from this story. All I've got to say is that Jesse Jackson should be ashamed of himself.
From Cinema Retro:
This won't come as a shock to anyone who has followed the career of Jesse Jackson, a man who has used his self-appointed status as a civil rights leader to create a financial cottage industry for himself and his sons. Jackson's tactics of threatening racially-driven protests against any corporation that doesn't "co-operate" with his shadowy Rainbow PUSH Coalition have been documented over the decades, but what not been put in the spotlight as frequently is his insistence upon benefiting even when doing a good deed for an African American icon. Take the case of Sammy Davis Jr. The beloved entertainer died penniless in 1989, having spent recklessly and lived a life style that was far beyond even his means. Still, Davis was an indisputed seminal figure in the Civil Rights movement, having been one of the first African Americans to gain wide acceptance with maintstream audiences. In doing so, he broke down barriers and helped advance racial equality. Thus, when, in 1985, Davis asked Jackson to deliver the eulogy for his good friend and conductor George Rhodes, the Rev was all too happy to comply - in return for a fee of $5,000, four first-class plane tickets and two suites at a Four Seasons Hotel. The fact that Davis was broke at the time didn't persuade the good "reverand" from sticking to his guns, so Davis had the tab financed on a colleague's credit card. The revelation is but one from author Matt Birkbeck's forthcoming book Deconstructing Sammy which delves into Davis' rags-to-riches-to-rags life and career.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Kate Moss Got Kissed By Frank Sinatra

I thought this was an interesting story when I came across it.
From the Telegraph in the UK:
The supermodel told Interview magazine the episode took place in 1995 when she was just 21, at the singer's 80th birthday party in Hollywood.She was attending with her then boyfriend Johnny Depp, who is known for his fiery temperament, but Ol' Blue Eyes got the better of the actor and seized his chance.
She said: "There was still a twinkle in his blue eyes. Yeah, major.
"I was sitting down having a cigarette, and he spotted me and made a beeline to me. He got all of his security to close in so Johnny couldn't get to me.
"So we were encircled and he's like, "How are you doing, little lady?"
"And I said, "Happy birthday, Frank," and he just lunged for me. He kissed me on the lips, then gave me a filterless cigarette. I came off all lightheaded. He was fabulous."
I guess we can see that Frank still was quite the cad at age 80. That's Frank for ya. Good for him. I wouldn't mind to have kissed her myself. It's cool that this is a kiss that she remembers so fondly. Of course, I wouldn't want to be kissed by Sinatra myself. lol It would, however, be awesome to have been kissed by some legendary sexpot of the 60's, etc. that I've had a crush on for years. I wonder how many other young female stars that an elderly Sinatra planted a kiss on before he went to that big casino in the sky. It's nice to see that he stayed a randy fella all his life. Cheers!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sharon Tate Is Ready For Some Action ;-)

This is one fella that would love to have this sexy creature come out of the bathroom as I was jumping into bed. There would definitely not be any sleeping going on for quite some time. I'm sure many of you would agree with me on that. ;-) Dean Martin was definitely one lucky devil to have some randy fun with Sharon Tate in The Wrecking Crew.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Favorite Album Covers: Swingin' With Dino

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What Does Dean Martin Dream About?

So what does Dino (here as Matt Helm) dream about? Check out this video to find out.
That doesn't surprise me one bit. I can't blame the man though. I love dreaming about hot babes myself.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Obama & McCain Both Dig Sinatra

It seems we've finally found something that both Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain agree on. Both men running for the opportunity to call the White House their pad for the next four years are fans of Frank Sinatra. I guess I at least now say they've got good taste in tunes if nothing else. :-)
From BBC News:
Frank Sinatra is the only artist to feature among the top 10 favourite songs of both US presidential candidates, it has been revealed.Democrat Barack Obama included You'd Be So Easy To Love and John McCain I've Got You Under My Skin in the lists compiled by US magazine Blender.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Sharon Tate Tribute Video: I Really Miss Her

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Dean Paul Martin & Ann-Margret: Come It From The Rain
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sammy Davis Jr. & Peter Lawford Are At It One More Time

Friday, August 15, 2008
Frank & Nancy Sinatra: Father & Daughter Together

Dino Hits Number One On This Day!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Rat Pack: Robin and the 7 Hoods

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Elvis Presley Did It His Way
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sammy Davis Jr. & Peter Lawford Are Salt & Pepper

Monday, August 11, 2008
Rat Pack Mystery Novel To Hit Big Screen
Friend and writer extrodinaire Robert Randisi has been have tremendous (and well deserved) success with his series of Rat Pack mysteries published by St. Martin’s Press.I'm so there myself! I can't wait to see this hit the big screen. I've had these books highly recommended to me by several pallies. I definitely want to read any and all of them that are published. It's awesome that the first book is going to be made into a picture. It will be interesting to see who gets casted in the various roles. I wish Bob all the best luck in the world. Cheers!
Three are currently two published books (Everybody Kills Somebody Sometime, Luck Be A Lady Don’t Die), a third set for publication in December (Hey There – You With The Gun In Your Hand), and a fourth in the writing process (You’re Nobody Till Somebody Kills You).
The books feature Sand’s Casino pit Boss Eddie G. who finds himself rubbing dangerous shoulders with the Rat Pack in ‘60s Vegas. The books are a lot of fun and must reading for all cool cats with a love for the era.
I heard from Bob yesterday with some very good news. He has sold the film rights to his first Rat Pack Mystery (Everybody Kills Somebody Sometime) to to Sandy Hackett, the late Buddy Hackett's son.
Bob will be writing the screenplay and the plan is to begin filming in January 2010. Sandy Hackett will star as Sands Casino pit boss Eddie G., who in the story is asked by Frank Sinatra to help find out who is sending Dean Martin threatening notes, while they are filming Ocean's 11 in 1960 Las Vegas. All of the Rat Pack members appear in the book, as well as other historical characters like Sands boss Jack Entratter, George Raft and Angie Dickinson.
I’ll be first in line to buy a ticket!
My Favorite Dean Martin Co-Stars: Daliah Lavi

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Favorite Album Covers: Dean Martin - This Time I'm Swingin'!

Dean Martin Checks Out Sharon Tate ;-)

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Jerry Lewis As James Bond?!?
Friday, August 8, 2008
RC Cola Ads: Dino, Desi & Billy, Plus Nancy Sinatra

Frank Sinatra: Voted Best Acting Performance Ever By A Musician
From Entertainment and Showbiz:
Frank Sinatra’s acting in ‘From Here To Eternity’ has been named the ‘Best Ever Acting Performance By A Musician’.
The music legend’s turn in the 1953 movie was labelled the greatest ever acting role by a musician in a poll carried out for
Following Sinatra was Elvis Presley’s performance in ‘Jailhouse Rock,’ reports Contactmusic.
Eminem came third for performance in ‘8 Mile’ while Ice Cube’s ‘Boyz N The Hood’ stood fourth.
Rounding off the top five was Queen of Pop Madonna’s turn in ‘Desperately Seeking Susan’.
The top ten ‘Acting Performance By Musicians’ are:
1 From Here To Eternity - Frank Sinatra
2 Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
3 8 Mile - Eminem
4 Boyz N The Hood - Ice Cube
5 Desperately Seeking Susan - Madonna
6 Dancer In the Dark - Bjork
7 Performance - Mick Jagger
8 The Man Who Fell To Earth - David Bowie
9 Purple Rain - Prince
10 Alpha Dog - Justin Timberlake (ANI)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dino, Desi, & Billy: Daddy-O Dean Martin Had To Be Proud

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Joi Lansing Sings The Silencer

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Favorite Album Covers: Nancy Sinatra's Greatest Hits

Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra Livin' The Lush Life

I love that picture of Dino and Frankie. Does anyone know where they were at when this was taken? These are two really cool and hip cats. I would have loved to have been at that table. I can only imagine the banter that was going on between them and everybody else. It would have been awesome to have been one of their pallies. You get to hit the town and party like there's no tomorrow. Nobody lived life to the fullest quite like the Rat Pack. Cheers!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Elvis Presley: A Fan Of Dean Martin
From an article on the CBS News website:
"I remember when he introduced me to Elvis Presley, And Elvis says, 'You know, they call me the King of Rock and Roll. But your Father is the King of Cool,'" Martin's daughter Deana Martin said. "And I went 'Oh my gosh! Elvis Presley said that Dad's the King of Cool!' But we all knew that he was the King of Cool.That is so true. We all know that Dino oozed coolness. He's the coolest cat that ever swaggered on this planet. Even Elvis realized that and was inspired by Dino.
Click on the Elvis Information Network for a great article on how Elvis was influenced by Dino. It's really fascinating. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Here's a clip of Elvis singing Welcome To My World. He does do a really cool job with this song. I hope you enjoy it. Cheers!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Jerry Lewis In Trouble With The Law

This happened like a week ago, but I'm just finding out about it. I still think it's noteworthy to post up here on my blog.
From the Telegraph:
The 82-year-old actor and comedian was stopped at Las Vegas McCarran International Airport, en route to Detroit, when staff spotted the gun during routine baggage screening.Police detained Lewis and confiscated a .22-calibre handgun. He was cited for allegedly carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, a spokesman for Las Vegas police said.
The star's manager, Claudia Marghilano, said the gun was a "hollowed-out prop gun" which Lewis uses in his stage show, adding that it was incapable of firing.
But the police spokesman said if it were merely a prop "it wouldn't be a weapon and we couldn't cite him for carrying a weapon". Lewis must attend a court hearing to get the gun back.
Lewis found fame in the 1950s as half of a comic double act with singer Dean Martin. He went on to star in dozens of films, including 1963 hit The Nutty Professor and Martin Scorsese film The King of Comedy in 1982.
Since 1966, he has hosted an annual telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, which last year raised over £32 million.
In recent years he has suffered a string of health problems, including prostate cancer. In 2006, he had a heart attack during a flight across the US.
Oops. It looks like Jerry screwed up. What is it with celebs carrying guns in their bags? Do they actually not know they are there, forget that they packed them, think they can get away with it, or what? I do wish him the best of luck though.
Friday, August 1, 2008
I've Been Tagged: Rat Pack Film Festival
Here are the rules:
1) Choose 12 Films to be featured. They could be random selections or part of a greater theme. Whatever you want.
2) Explain why you chose the films.
3) Link back to Lazy Eye Theatre so I can have hundreds of links and I can take those links and spread them all out on the bed and then roll around in them.
4) The people selected then have to turn around and select 5 more people.
Since my blog is focused on the Rat Pack, I thought I would pick movies that featured various members of the group.
Monday: Ocean's 11 (1960) and Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964) --- These are my favorite two of the Rat Pack flicks. It was great to see Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop all in the first movie. I really love Dino and Sammy in both of these.
Tuesday: The Silencers (1966) and Murderer's Row (1966) --- These are my favorite two of the four Matt Helm spy flicks. What's not to love. Besides Dino, you've got great music, beautiful babes, evil villains, cool sets, and much more.
Wednesday: The Ambushers (1967) and The Wrecking Crew (1969) --- The first one of these is my least favorite of the franchise. It does have Senta Berger in it though. I do think they ended the franchise with a good flick. Plus it has a trio of lovely ladies in Sharon Tate, Elke Sommer, and Nancy Kwan in it.
Thursday: Salt and Pepper (1968) and One More Time (1970) --- I recently saw these two flicks for the first time. They star Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford. I loved them.
Friday: The Caddy (1953) and Artists and Models (1955) --- These are probably my favorite of the Martin-Lewis comedies.
Saturday: The Cannonball Run (1981) and Cannonball Run II (1984) --- Both these movies have great ensemble casts. Dino and Sammy steal both movies.
Not sure if any of these people have already been tagged or not, but here's who I'm tagging to participate:
1. Undead Film Critic
2. The Percy Trout Hour
3. Bish's Beat
4. Notes From Hemingway's Lounge
5. Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire
I hope all of these fine bloggers will take the time to participate. I guess that's it. I also hope that anybody checking out this post will enjoy how I would schedule a film festival. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Cheers!

My Favorite Dean Martin Co-Stars: Ann-Margret
The first one is courtesy of Bill:

This last one is courtesy of Soul Sister: