Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Dino Lounge Will Return On Monday!

Hey pallies! Guess what!?! The Dino Lounge will return this upcoming Monday, which will be on March 30th. I actually wasn't sure if I was ever going to come back or not. I definitely wanted to take at least a few weeks to a month break from this blog. I'll be honest with all of you. I missed it already. I also had so many people contact me and beg me to keep going with the blog. I really hated to disappoint all my readers. I consider you all my friends and not just people who read/comment on my blogs. I was already missing you guys. If I wait until Monday, that gives me a few more days to rest and relax. Thanks so much for all the great comments and warm wishes you offered me in my last post. I really appreciate it. I mean that a lot. I've had so much fun with this blog. Plus it's been great to check out your blogs and become good friends with so many of you. I'll be back visiting your blogs by the first of the week. I hope all of you will return here on Monday to check out my first post since my little break. I may take these little breaks from time to time. I won't make such a drastic announcement. I really apologize for that. I didn't mean to be so dramatic. I really thought I was going to stay away longer than what amounts to a week and a half I guess. I may just let you guys know in the future that I'll be gone for a few days or whatever. Take care. I look forward to seeing all of you on this Monday. Thanks again. Cheers!


This picture comes courtesy of my friend The One & Only International Bond Girl.


Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

Hello Keith. I'm glad to see you are returning so soon. I hope that you have gotten the chance to relax and contemplate your future in blogging. I certainly would have missed visiting your blog, but I totally would have understood if you needed a longer time away.

Philip Marlowe said...

Atta boy, Keith! Sometimes making it known that you need a break is just what you needed to do! Don't post if you don't feel up to it; your readers will stay and the few that don't are replaced by newer, fresher faces. Glad you had a change of heart.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Very glad to hear you're coming back!! Can't wait until Monday :)

Erma said...

Yay! Keith will be back! No hard feelings on the drama... I feel the same way sometimes... I plan on posting just once a week... we'll see how well that goes... LOL! (I'm so addicted)... Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving some love!

I look forward to more of your posts but don't worry about us too much... we'll be here when you decide to pop in because we're good like that.... and you know what? I'll bet my bottom dollar, so are you!

Alpha Stone said...

Glad to hear your coming back. Blogging can be time consuming, and so it's nice to have a break now and again... now if only I could take a nice long break from my real job, I'd be a happy man.

Keith said...

Thanks Phoebe. I understand about why you hadn't commented. I am so sorry for the loss in your family. You have my deepest sympathies. The time away from the blog is giving me a chance to rest. I might do this more often. I just won't make a big deal about it. I'll just let people know I'm going to be gone for a few days.

Keith said...

Hey C.K. Thanks. By the time I come back, it would have been like 10 days. That is a nice little break. I had thought I might at least take 2 weeks. I just needed to recharge my batteries I guess. I probably will take some breaks in the future, but I just won't make a big announcement post like I did. I'll just say that I'll be gone for a few days or whatever.

Keith said...

Thanks Kate. I appreciate that very much.

Keith said...

Hey Erma. Thanks. I appreciate that a lot. I was really conflicted when I took the break. There was part of me that didn't want to take a break at all. Another part of me wanted to take maybe 2 weeks to a month. Then another part of me wanted to just throw in the towel. When I come back, it will have been like 10 days. It was a nice breather.

Keith said...

Hey Gil. I know what you mean. By the time I come back on Monday, I would have been gone like 10 days. That's a nice little break. I needed it. It would be nice to take a break from work and still get paid.

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Keith, dude I loves that Dinopix that you posted...d'ya mind if I use it some time?......we'll see you 'round these here Dinopart again soon...and btw, thanks for catchin' up with all your Dinopatter at ilovedinomartin....

Zachary Kelley said...

A ring a ding ding. Glad to have you back, pallie. The internets would have been a warmer place wiithout your posts on coolness. Welcome back, Keith.

Keith said...

Hey pallie DMP. Thanks for the comments. I'm glad you liked that pic. Feel free to use it at any time you like. That's cool by me. I look forward to being back here on Monday. I am enjoying my break, but I do miss blogging. You are welcome about the blog comments. I wanted to make sure I checked out your blog. I might not be back before the end of the weekend, but I'll catch myself up again. Cheers!

Keith said...

Hey T.L. Thanks. I appreciate that. It will be good to be back. It's nice to take a little break, but I couldn't stay away for as long as I thought I might. Cheers!

Couture Carrie said...

Enjoy your break, darling K! Looking forward to more fab timeless coolness when you return!


Keith said...

Thanks Carrie. I appreciate that. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! Yay Keith! I hope you got some rest, but I'm glad you're on your way back. But take it easy and don't burn yourself out. See you on Monday!

~k said...

Nice to see you'll be back!

Syed said...

Yaaaaaay :) So glad to hear you will be back. Although, I do hope you never feel forced to post for us - take breaks whenever you feel you need them, and we'll be back to read when you return each time.

Keith said...

Hey da Kat. Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it. I've enjoyed taking this breather from blogging. It's been nice. I definitely plan to take it easy when I get back. I don't want to burn myself out.

Keith said...

Thanks Steph. Good to be back.

Keith said...

Hey Dapper. Thanks. I appreciate that. It means a lot. I've enjoyed my rest. It's given me time for contemplation. I have missed being around here. Glad to know there are people who enjoy my blog.

Mom Fashion World said...

Welcome back, Keith.
Myself and mr. freddy thanked you again for the lovely comments. we truly appreciate it.

I know all of us need a break so take your time. We'll always be around for you. I hope for your come back soon!

Keith said...

Hey Proudly. Thank you very much. It is nice to have a time for rest and relaxation. I am ready to come back. I've missed blogging. I love all the photos you post of you and Mr. Freddy. They are so cool. Take care. Cheers!

Kim @ The Girl Can't Help It said...

Hey there! I just discovered your blog not too long ago and thought "It FIGURES! Just when I find something decent to read, it goes away." So I'm glad you're not going away for good! Martinis all around!

Allison said...

I'm glad you're coming back Keith! I think it's great you're back so soon, but if you ever feel overwhelmed again, definitely feel free to take another break - we'll all be anxiously awaiting your next posts :)
Can't wait for Monday!

Keith said...

Thanks Fast Eddie. It was great hearing from you. I've come across blogs before and then realize they are no longer being updated. I'm glad that I didn't let you down. I'm going to have to check out your blogs. They look really cool. I would love a martini. Cheers!

Keith said...

Hey Allison. Thanks so much. I appreciate it. My break was shorter than I expected, but it's still been nice to have some time to just chill out. I did miss everybody already. I hope you like what I post on Monday. Have a great day. Cheers!

Alpha Stone said...

Hate to do this to you during your much needed hiatus, but you've been tagged for yet another meme.

Keith said...

Hey Gil. Thanks buddy. lol Just kidding. I'll take a look at what I've been tagged in and try to get it done asap. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Keith, I'll be waiting for you to come back. I've been lurking for a while. I will return to comment. Ciao

Man of Roma

Keith said...

Thanks manofroma. I look forward to seeing you back here on Monday. Please feel free to leave some comments. I always love hearing from people. Cheers!

Fashion Moment said...

As I sad, we'll waiting for you, darling! :)


joe said...

I keep meaning to ask you who that chick in the green dress is, seated with Dino on your header pic. I was going to say Audrey Hepburn, but I'm sure it's not..

Keith said...

Hey Joe. That's Daliah Lavi. It's a scene from the movie The Silencers that Dino did in 1966. I've posted some stuff of her before up here. Plus I've done some postings about the movie.

joe said...

You know I've never heard of her. Thanks, I didn't have a clue.

Keith said...

She played in some different movies back then, such as The Silencers and Casino Royale. She's also a singer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith,
I know exactly how that feels. I was away from my blog for a week and I kept telling myself it's only a week; I went nuts! Welcome back, and we'll be waiting for some fantastic posts!


Mom Fashion World said...

hi keith!
hmmm...welcome back tomorrow!
mr. freddy and i missed your post.

Keith said...

Hey KingChic. Thanks. I had originally thought I might take a couple of weeks to a month off. A week was about all I could handle away. lol I hope you like the post I've done for Monday.

Keith said...

Hey Proudly. Thanks. I appreciate that. I hope you and Mr. Freddy will like the post I've done for Monday. Cheers!