Monday, July 6, 2009

Dean Martin & Bing Crosby Celebrate My Blog Winning An Award

Dean Martin and Bing Crosby share a dance to celebrate The Dino Lounge winning an award.


That's right, pallies!
The Dino Lounge has been honored with the You are a great read! award by my good pallie Jessica over at her wonderful blog Chronically Vintage. I am so thrilled with receiving this award. I thank Jessica so much for bestowing it upon my blog. I highly recommend her blog. I hope you'll check it out.


I'd love to be able to give this award to all of my blogging friends. You all have incredible blogs that I enjoy checking out and commenting on. It's hard for me to only highlight a select few. You all deserve this award so much. I am limiting myself, however, to only fifteen blogs since that seems to be the standard. I tried to pick an eclectic bunch of winners. If you've never visited these blogs, I hope you will take the time to stop by them. I'm sure you will like them as much as I do.

Cafe Fashionista

Dapper Kid




It's Unbeweavable!

La Dolce Vita

Marisa Mell

Moon In The Gutter

Planet Mondo

Pop Champagne


Slacker Chic

The Sydney Girl

The Urban Gentleman II

I do hope that nobody will feel slighted if I didn't pick them. It's nothing personal. It was hard to limit myself to these blogs. I did try to pick blogs on everything from film to music to fashion. These are some of the blogs that I love and enjoy. There are so many others. I do hope the award winners will pass this award on to some of their favorite blogs as well. Congrats to all the winners. I raise a toast to you. Cheers!


Gabbi said...

I'm very honored Keith! Thank you so much :) I love that photograph of Dino and Bing dancing... couple of handsome men.

Keith said...

Hey Gabbi. You are very welcome. You definitely deserve it. Glad you liked that photo. I thought it was a cool one to celebrate.

joe said...

Congrats on the award Keith. You do a good job here.

The Sydney Girl said...

I had a wonderful weekend thank you Keith!

Thank you so much for the award! I feel honoured.


Keith said...

Thanks Joe. I appreciate it. Glad you like what I do here.

Keith said...

Hey Joelyne. You are very welcome. You deserve it. Take care. Have a good week.

Alpha Stone said...

Thanks, man. It's nice to pat each other on the back every once and a while - and specially nice coming from the maestro behind the Dino Lounge! Much appreciated!

Keith said...

Hey Gil. You definitely deserve it. I love your blog. Thanks for your kind words. I try to do my best here and at my other blog. Cheers!

Nancy Sinatra Fan said...

Congratulations. You do have an amazing blog. I love that photo. Dean and Bing look so cute.

Keith said...

Thanks Phoebe. I appreciate that. I'm glad you liked what I post here.

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

congrats on the award!your blog is great.

Ps: thank you, Keith. i had great weekend. I;m glad you love the pics

debra@dustjacket said...

Hey Keith, thanks so much for dropping by and saying hi.

Congrat's on the award, I know the lovely Jessica too ... and some other friends in your followers list too, small world!

Love your profile pic, there is none cooler than Connery. You also have some great pics in your posts!

Keith said...

Thanks Hanh. I appreciate that. I'm glad you had a good weekend. Mine was good too. I think you've got a really cool blog.

Keith said...

Hey Dustjacket. Thanks so much. I appreciate that. It was great hearing from you. I really like your blog. I definitely plan to visit again. I hope you'll stop by my blog again too. I was really thrilled with being given that award by Jessica. Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Congrats and thanx, Keith! I'm honored and touched. I'm not familiar with most of the other blogs on the list, but if you like them, I'm sure they're cool--I'll be sure to check them all out.

Terence Sambo said...

Nice pic, congrats on d award :o]

Have a wonderful week ahead.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, congrats on your award. Thanks for visiting my site. Love all the cool pics u have here!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Thank you so much Keith!! I'm honored...I adore your blog as well!


Haha you're adorable (:

And congrats on the award! (extending that congrats to the other bloggers as well!)

La C.

Etrapar said...

thanks for sharing we can read something really nice :)

Amy said...

cool - congrats :D

Fashion Moment said...

Congratulations, dear. You deserve it! :)

FM~FP~AF said...

Oooooh, congratulations darling Keith and yeah U totally deserve it. I love reading Ur blog and of course Liz's blog, Joelyne's blog, Dapper Kid's blog and etc...

How are U?


RA said...

Congratulations, Keith! Not only do you share the same name as my Dad, we share the same Astro/Chinese zodiac sign! :)

Hope you had a fab 4th of July! I spent the weekend running my store and play bridesmaid at a cousin's wedding.

Jim @ said...

Keith - congrats on the well deserved award. I'd like to spend some additional time visiting the blogs you listed, I am sure they are great reads. Cool photo too.

Keith said...

Hey Rev. You are very welcome. I really enjoy all your blogs. Fantomorte is definitely deserving of this award. I tried to pick blogs on all different subjects that I check out. I picked everything from film to music to fashion.

Keith said...

Hey Terence. Thanks. I appreciate that. Enjoy your week.

Keith said...

Thanks Heavenly Housewife. I appreciate you stopping by. I hope you'll visit again. I really like your blog. Have a good week.

Keith said...

Hey Liz. You are very welcome. You've got a really cool blog. I'm glad you enjoy mine as well.

Maggi said...

Congrats on the award! So nice of the fellas to dance in celebration for you!

Keith said...

Hey La C. Thanks. I appreciate that. I hope you have a great week. Cheers!

Keith said...

Thanks Sonia. I'm glad you liked this post. Take care. Have a great week.

Keith said...

Thanks FM. I appreciate that. Take care of yourself.

Keith said...

Thanks Amy.

Keith said...

Hey Janet. Thanks. I appreciate that. That's cool that you also check out some of the blogs I gave awards to.

Keith said...

Hey R.A. Thanks. I appreciate that. That's cool that I share the same name with your dad. I was named for an uncle of mine. I did have a great weekend. I didn't do a lot to celebrate the holiday. I did see the fireworks. Besides that it was more or a less a movie night with friends and some beer.

Keith said...

Hey Jim. Thanks. I appreciate that. I tried to list an eclectic bunch of blogs on different subjects. Take care. Enjoy your week.

Keith said...

Thanks Maggi. I appreciate it. Yeah, I thought it was cool of Dino and Bing.

Melissa Hafting said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and you deserve it. I love your interesting blogs.!

Keith said...

Thanks Mel. I appreciate that. Great hearing from you.

The Urban Gentleman Blog said...

Awww, thanks Keith! I feel so special :)

And as you already know, I LOOOOVE your blog, the pictures are just so inspiring.


Mondo said...

Thanks for the award - tip top stuff..and just in time for my first podcast 'Podrophenia' which goes live tomorrow - c'mon over and check it out..

Keith said...

Hey Jacinda. You definitely deserve it. You are very welcome. I love both your blogs. They are amazing. I'm glad you enjoy what I do as well. Take care. Have a wonderful week ahead. Cheers!

Keith said...

Hey Dave. You are very welcome. I enjoy both your blogs. I'll definitely check that out. It sounds cool. Have a great week.

Couture Carrie said...

Congrats, darling!


P.S. I am having a contest on my blog today (man's watch!) so be sure to pop by!

Keith said...

Hey Carrie. Thanks. I appreciate it. I'll definitely check that out. Sounds great.

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Keith, great pix of our Dino and Mr. certainly are findin' some great candids of our great man that I have likes never seen before...and thanks for honorin' ilovedinomartin...just don't know where you find the time to read and comment on so many bloggs...I have a hard time just researchin' and presentin' material for ilovedinomartin...and tryin' to stay current commentin' here.....

Keith said...

Hey pallie DMP. Your blog definitely deserved it. You are keeping that Dino magic alive and well. You do a fantastic job with your blog.

I'm glad you liked that photo. It's cool when I can introduce you to pictures because I know you've seen so many of Dino. I thought this was a nice one of Dino and Bing.

I guess I figured out a way to make the time for doing my blogs and also commenting on other blogs as well. It's helped bring in a lot of people to my blogs. They may have come here for another reason, but I've helped introduce some people to Dino. It's worth all the time and effort. Cheers!

Robert M. Lindsey said...

Great and varied list of bloggers you have there Keith. It's always fun to see what everyone else likes. I usually end up picking up one or two more blogs to follow from these lists.

I hope I don't need to say it, but don't worry about not nominating me, I just blog because I enjoy it.

Kim @ The Girl Can't Help It said...

Congratulations, Keith! Isn't it exciting when someone appreciates (or at least, takes a slight interest in) what you do? Well-deserved! We bask in your glowy glow of awesomeness!

noone said...

Thanks for the award Keith!!! :D Hope you had a great July 4th weekend!

erika sorocco said...

Congratulations on the award; and thank you, thank you, thank you for passing it along to me. Love the Vargas Girl-inspired picture! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulation's on the award

JavaBeanRush said...

Congratulations, Keith! :)

Witchcrafted Life said...

You are absolutely welcome, Keith! Thank you in turn for this amazing post, I'm very touched by it.

It's a joy to follow your photo filled, wonderful Rat Pack era blog, and to know you, my friend.

I can't wait to check out the sites you bestowed this award onto!

Happy & inspired blogging to you always!
♥ Jessica

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I am going to have to check all of these blogs out. I know some on them, but not all of them. Thanks for the list!

Keith said...

Hey Robert. Thanks. I hope you will find a few blogs out of this list to check out. I enjoy all of them. They aren't all retro. Some are on more modern things. You do have a wonderful blog. I wish I could have given this award to every single one of my blogging friends.

Keith said...

Hey Kim. Thanks. I appreciate it. Yeah, it is always nice to know that others do enjoy what you do. I do my blogs because I like to share my interests. It's great to know that there are others out there who dig what I post.

Keith said...

Hey Pop. Thanks. I had a great weekend. I hope you did too. You are very welcome about the award. I love your blog.

Keith said...

Hey Erika. Thanks. It was nice to have it bestowed on me. You are very welcome. You deserve it. I love your blog a lot.

Keith said...

Thanks Gingey and Java.

Keith said...

Hey Jessica. Thanks again. I do appreciate it. I was really thrilled to be honored in such a way. I'm so glad you like my blog. That means a lot. It's neat to know that people actually enjoy what I do. I hope you will like the blogs I gave the award to as well. Take care.

Keith said...

Hey Clare. Thanks. Great hearing from you. I hope you'll stop by again. I definitely hope you will enjoy those links I posted.

Unknown said...

yay! congrats on your's definitely more than deserved.

Syed said...

Haha, I wonder who was the one leading? I'm betting Dino by the looks of it. And thank you so, so much for passing the award my way!

Keith said...

Hey Chessa. Thanks. I appreciate that.

Keith said...

Hey Dapper. Yeah, Dino was the lead singer. You are very welcome about the award. I love your blog. It's amazing.

Ela said...

Congratulations, Keith!!!
Hope you had a fabulous 4th weekend :)
Thanks for checking out FM's interview!

Keith said...

Hey Ela. Thanks. I appreciate it. I hope your weekend was great and that your week so far has been wonderful. Take care. Cheers!